The NIFC Supports Youth Tackle Football Age 8u - 8th Grade
The NIFC Supports Youth Tackle Football Age 8u - 8th Grade
Signed in as:
Flyweight FINAL standings
#1 Dupec
#2 RRL Purple
#3 Belvidere North
#4 RRL White
Middleweight FINAL standings
#1 Genoa Kingston Orange
#2 RRL White
#3 Dupec
#4 RRL Purple
Heavyweight FINAL standings
#1 RRL Gold
#2 RRL Purple
#3 Belvidere North
#4 Genoa Kingston
7th grade FINAL standings
Marengo, Madison, and RRL Gold all ended with a 6-2 record. All went 1-1 against each other and have the same amount of points. Therefore the next tie breaker goes to point deferential against highest common ranked opponent (RRL Purple)
Purple vs Gold 22-6=16
Purple vs Marengo 12-6=6
Purple vs Madison 28-26=2
#1 RRL Purple
#2 Madison
#3 Marengo
#4 RRL Gold
8th grade FINAL standings
#1 Dupec
#2 RRL White
#3 Harlem
#4 RRL Gold